Thursday, December 31, 2009

FarmVille Sucks!

I know, I know... a gazillion crazy gamers will rush to their defense, but damn it ... it's true. This goofy-ass game sucked me in, wasted a shitload of my time ... and now I can't stop going back to facebook to check my damn crops.

Thanks a lot Zynga! Don't you think I already had enough shit to do with my time? I guess not ... so you put out this super-cheesy little game you call "FarmVille". ...and don't try to tell me it's not cheesy. My alien cows give milktonium muddafukka!

Yeah, sorry about that. Anyway...

Dumb as it may seem, li'l farmer Ben has been working his ass off, and I've spent more time on facebook in a week than I have since I signed up looked around and bailed out of sheer boredom a couple years ago. lol

Wtf Zynga? Seriously, I know these games are making you fat stacks of cash, but damn you're like ... fuckin' up people's schedules and shit. I wonder just how many company hours have been spent playing FarmVille? I'll bet it's a lot!

Kudos on the game and congrats on it's success. What are you up to again? 70 million registered players? Damn. ...and I'd bet a large percentage of those are quite active. I was almost never on facebook. Lately I've just kept the PC logged in all day. I keep pokin' my head in to see if someone found a stupid lonely cow or something I can adopt to get a lousy ribbon (and the experience points). Someone just shoot me.

Again ... wtf Zynga? Damn it. I have shit to do!

So yeah, FarmVille sucks. If you're not careful it'll suck you in too. If it's too late, well, best of luck to you. Add me as a neighbor. :)

I am (and have)
Ben Twisted

...and I am a addicted to FarmVille. You bastards.

P.S. Add me on facebook ... and as a neighbor in FarmVille.