Ok, time to go deep. I'll try not to make it hurt ... much.
Do you have your own FarmVille philosophy? I do, and whether it's on a conscious or subconscious level ... I'm guessing you have one too. It's your own way of looking at things that becomes the driving force behind the seemingly endless time wasted in this stupid game we call ... FarmVille.
Or you might say ... it's the primary thought behind your strategy.
Let's explore, shall we?
We'll look at the two opposite ends of the spectrum. You will likely fall somewhere in between.
First I'll let you in on my FarmVille philosophy. I can boil it down to one sentence. "Money in the ground is money in the bank." Unless you totally screw up your timing and let a crop dry up you will always be making money if there's something in the ground. So I always have crops ... and as many as possible.
Lately I have given up a few plots in the center of the board for a little landing patch for visitors, but it's still 99% business. Ok, maybe 95%. I have flowers all over the damn place chasing another ribbon. lol It's ridiculous I tell you.
Anyway, let's take a look at my plantation.
From the very beginning I worked to plow as much of my land as possible. With every upgrade came 2 new rows and more work for me to do. What the hell was I thinking? Oh yeah ... "money in the ground is money in the bank".
Well, at this point I'll be upgrading to a Big Ole Plantation within a couple days and coins are not really an issue any longer. They come in pretty fast now. Here's the thing ... I've only been playing for 10 days. lol Actually I think tomorrow makes day 10. Yeah. Anyway ... it's EASY to build big and to do it pretty quickly. I'll be able to ease off the throttle, settle in and decorate in nearly any way I choose in a few days so ... yeah ... two weeks to a kick-ass farm in FarmVille. lol ...and it could have been done faster. I made a couple mistakes here and there. Like letting a whole field of raspberries go to waste. Tisk tisk.
The friend who brought me into the game ... well, I passed her ass up a couple days ago. She's been playing for quite a while now. How? Well, it's because I'm a badass farmer. Ok, if you don't buy that ... it's because of my stupid FarmVille philosophy - "Money in the ground is money in the bank." ...and because I have systematically grown my farm and worked my way to planting more of the more expensive seed. Money spent so far has all been about making more money or getting more experience points ... and when li'l farmer Ben is a millionaire ... THEN I'll worry about decorating.
Free FarmVille Tips: Make friends and get neighbors quickly. Just add a few a day from one of the "Add Me on FarmVille" pages on facebook. I include a short personal note on these friend requests that says "FarmVille. Add me as a neighbor." That's about all there is to it except, of course, approving their neighbor invite or sending them one once they've become a friend. Then check the live feed on your facebook homepage often for free bonus links posted by friends. The extra loot comes in handy while you are still growing.
Now let's visit another farmer on that "opposite end" I mentioned.
Ok, as you can see here ... this farmer might say "Why do today what you can put off 'til tomorrow?" or possibly "Fuck this. FarmVille sucks." We have the 6 original plots you start with in FarmVille. The four original crops are still here. All dead. The two plowed plots have obviously been fertilized. I've fertilized them a couple times myself. Nothing ever grows there. It's tragic. Isn't it?
Well, for just $19.95 a month you can save a garden just like this one. Send your check or money order to ... Ok, I'm kidding.
That's probably the best thing about FarmVille - there's really no "wrong" way to do it. It's YOUR farm, right? You get to do things YOUR way. So what is it? Lay some FarmVille Philosophy on me.
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